Free Talk

LP will be different to anything else you have researched or experienced, get all your questions answered

Free Information Talks

Live Online Information Sessions/Meet Helen
Helen delivers free information sessions via Zoom. They usually last for about an hour, they are open to anyone wanting to find out more about the Lightning Process for themselves or for a friend or relative. It is also an opportunity to meet Helen. Please ensure that you register your interest by completing the form below.

  • If you don't receive a reply after submitting this form. Please check your spam/junk mail.
  • It is essential to include your phone number, as emails can often be lost in spam/junk folders. Additionally, this allows Helen to communicate with you via WhatsApp.
  • (Helen will let you know about the next available dates however if you have a preferred date then please enter it above)
  • (If there is any important information to let Helen know or if you have any questions ahead of the talk then please include this above)
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